
米国の福音派神学者ジョン・マッカーサー(グレース・コミュニティー教会)は、C・ピーター・ワグナーが考案した「新しい使徒的宗教改革(New Apostolic Reformation)」という用語について、次のように語っています。

― John F. MacArthur, Strange Fire (Thomas Nelson, 2013), p.90-91 (Kindle 版)

It is equally misleading to refer to it as a “reformation.” In fact, the Reformation was primarily a reaction against the self-proclaimed apostolic authority of the pope. Moreover, the fundamental principle of the Reformation was a commitment to Scripture alone—a concept to which Wagner’s view is emphatically and diametrically opposed. After defining “the spirit of religion” as demonic, Wagner argues that “it causes religious leaders to concentrate not on what the Spirit is saying (present tense), but on what the Spirit said (past tense) in a former season.” In other words, according to Wagner, those who look solely to that which the Spirit said in a former season (i.e., the Bible) are under demonic influence!


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