
カリスマ派の著名な神学者で、福音派神学会(Evangelical Theological Society)の会長を務めたこともあるウェイン・グルーデム(1948年~。米フェニックス神学校教授、元トリニティー神学校教授)は次のように語っています。

― Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Zondervan, 1994), p.911

since no one today can meet the qualification of having seen the risen Christ with his own eyes, there are no apostles today.

― Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Zondervan, 1994), P. 911

It is noteworthy that no major leader in the history of the church—not Athanasius or Augustine, not Luther or Calvin, not Wesley or Whitefield—has taken to himself the title of “apostle” or let himself be called an apostle. If any in modern times want to take the title “apostle” to themselves, they immediately raise the suspicion that they may be motivated by inappropriate pride and desires for self-exaltation, along with excessive ambition and a desire for much more authority in the church than any one person should rightfully have.


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