

米国の牧師で、ザンビアにあるアフリカン・クリスチャン大学の神学部長を務めるヴォディー・バウカム(Voddie Baucham)は、ポストモダンの福音について次のような例話を語っています。


It’s a story that’s been used to sort of illustrate post-modernism… the story goes something like this. There’s a man and he’s walking with his son through a strawberry patch and he walks through the strawberry patch and he takes a strawberry and eats a strawberry and gives the strawberry to his son. The strawberries are good, beautiful, perfect sweet. But something happens to strawberries over time and eventually strawberries are taken in and they’re chopped up and used in other foods. And they’re put on top of cereal and eventually strawberries are made into strawberry preserves and into strawberry jam and eventually strawberries get messed with and processed and put inside of things like pop-tarts. Eventually you get into laboratory where you have the essence of strawberry without strawberries. Eventually men don’t take their sons to strawberry patches anymore to give them strawberries. They go and get them strawberry slushes that don’t actually have any strawberry in them whatsoever. It’s just a combination of chemicals and colors and high fructose this and that and the kid loves the strawberry slush and he gets used to the strawberry slush and then one day the kid who’s grown to love the strawberry slush that has no strawberries in it is walking through a strawberry patch and he picks up an actual strawberry and eats it and doesn’t like it because it doesn’t taste like the slush. Brothers, I think that’s what we’ve seen happen to the gospel.


2  みことばを宣べ伝えなさい。時が良くても悪くてもしっかりやりなさい。忍耐の限りを尽くし、絶えず教えながら、責め、戒め、また勧めなさい。 
3  というのは、人々が健全な教えに耐えられなくなり、耳に心地よい話を聞こうと、自分の好みにしたがって自分たちのために教師を寄せ集め、 4  真理から耳を背け、作り話にそれて行くような時代になるからです。


  1. ポップターツ


  2. “Gospel Clarity | Voddie Baucham | Shepherd’s Conference 2022,”
    Stephen Larson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_fYvaFE65o)


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