
Jesse Westwood And Steven Kozar

ジェシー・ウェストウッド(Jesse Westwood)は、ベテル超自然宣教学校(Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry)の卒業生で、ベテル教会の賛美リーダー、牧師を務めていた。しかし、ベテル教会の教えに疑問を持つようになり、15年間を過ごしたベテル教会を離れた。信仰の危機に陥ったウェストウッドは一時無神論に陥ったが、真の福音に触れ、救われて今に至っている。以下は、YouTubeチャンネル「The Messed Up Church」のスティーブン・コーザー(Steven Kozar)に語ったウェストウッドの証しである。



そうであれば、人に預言の練習を勧めるとき、その人に罪を犯すように勧めることにならないでしょうか?これがどうして問題にならないのでしょうか? 分析すると、それが実際に起こっていることです。ベテルが練習しなさいと言ったら、自分の部屋で練習しなさいということです。1年目は隣の人を相手にしたりして、ずっと練習してました。預言の練習をすればできるようになるというのです。ただ、それは私たちに罪を犯すように勧めているだけです。何度も何度も主の御名をみだらに唱えることを勧め、その重大性を感じなくなるようにしているのです。

You know, after 15 years of those, you’re like, “Yeah, but what? It’s not happened yet.” And then sometimes it’s like self-fulfilled. It’s just because someone said that so I’m gonna work hard to make that happen…
The hard part with the whole charismatic move is when you see so many prophecies, they don’t come to pass. At some point, you just gotta be like well, “Are they false prophets or are they not?” There’s an explanation for everything. Like if there’s not a prophecy that comes to pass, it’s just like that’s practicing. I just like, “How do you practice prophecy? Is that in the Bible?” And then I just had this conversation with a friend of mine. She still believes in the gifts of the Spirit. And we’re working through stuff just talking with her friendly. She’s a fellow Bethel alumni. She went for one year. And I asked her like, “how do you deal with that with prophecy like that?” Because if you get it wrong biblically, you’re using the Lord’s name in vain, which is a sin.
So when you say, you encourage people to practice, how are you not just encouraging people to sin? How is that not a problem? When you break it down, that’s what’s happening. When Bethel says just practice it, like practice it in your room. We would practice in the first year all the time, like with the person next to you. Practice prophecy and you’re okay. But you’re just encouraging us to sin. You’re just encouraging us to take the Lord’s name in vain over and over and over again and get desensitized to the severity of that.




ー Bill Johnson, Dreaming with God (Destiny Image Publishers, 2006), p. 86

Many prominent pastors and conference speakers add fuel to the fire of fear by assuming that because the New Age promotes it, its origins must be from the devil. I find that form of reasoning weak at best. If we follow that line of thought, we will continue to give the devil the tools that God has given us for success in life and ministry.


これはベテルの神学が生み出す副作用の深刻さを示すために言います。彼女は今、魔術を実践しています。 彼女はもう一人のベテルの卒業生と結婚していますが、二人は最初レズビアンのカップルでした。その後、トランスジェンダーのカップルになっています。彼女は魔術を実践しながら、ユースの牧師をしていました。そのようなことがどうして両立するのかわかりません。二人のうちの一人は私と出身教会が同じです。……これは、ベテルがどういうところかを示す一例です。これがベテルの神学がもたらす副作用です。何の上にも立てないのです。

This is just to show you the severity of the Fallout from Bethel’s theology. She’s now practicing witch. She is married to another fellow Bethel alumni, who first they were a lesbian couple and then it became a transgender couple. And she was a youth pastor as well practicing as a witch. I don’t know how that works, but one of them was from my home church… but it’s one of those things where it’s like. That’s the Fallout of Bethel Theology. You can’t stand on anything.




Jesse Westwood: You start seeing the prophecies not fulfilled. You start seeing healings not happen. And there’s no really good explanation. You’re kind of left with you. You gotta justify it. Like, you talked about the difference in the gospels. It’s like between the NAR gospel and and the true gospel. You get this point where it’s like well either I’m wrong or the Bible’s wrong. And you have to figure out like who’s in the wrong here. It can’t be the man of God. It can’t be the prophet. He’s the prophet. It can’t be the Bible because the Bible is the Bible. So then it’s got to be me. I’m the one messed up here. And then at that point that’s when you get introspective and you just like “Well, if I’m the one that’s messed up and I’ve done anything I thought I could, I guess I’m just not one of the people that are meant to be healed. I’m not one of the people that meant to be prophesied over or saved or whatever. So if I’m not one of them, then I’ll see you guys later.” That’s kind of what happens.
Steven Kozar: Yeah, that’s, I think, a real typical response.




I was just so, so mad at the years wasted at the cheap bit of goods we’ve been sold. Just the amount of time we spent chasing this thing and trying to make it work. And then hearing the real gospel for the first time in 20 years. I guess, and my life as a Christian, I was just wrecked. This isn’t like how have I heard this before. How has no one mentioned this before at Bethel, at the churches, and all the conferences I’ve been to. I sat under preaches of Sean Boltz, Stacy Campbell and Bob Jones and Bobby Conner. You name the the NAR pillars and the NAR big names. I led worship at one of those conferences. I was there!



“Former Insider, Jesse Westwood: “How Bethel Teaching is Ruining People’s Faith”,” The Messed Up Church (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdU9edHhJJQ)


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